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Medication Management

In the treatment of various mental health issues, medications play a crucial role. The correct medication can significantly enhance you or your loved one’s quality of life by reducing or eliminating symptoms. 

Medication management involves the initial evaluation of the patient’s need for medications, the recommendations and prescription of medications, and ongoing medical monitoring of symptoms, side-effects, interactions, and effectiveness in improving symptoms. 

Our providers, Alfredo Arellano and Eduardo Mariscal, are experienced in psychopharmacology and prescribe the most up to date and effective medications. Their overall goal is to utilize the fewest medications at the lowest doses possible in order to achieve the best outcomes.

Medications Made Easy

Knowing the purpose, safety, and efficacy of medications, as well as the risks associated with combining medications with food and supplements are critical to treatment. 

Our providers make sure you have a clear understanding of your medication regiment to make sure you get the best results.

We offer e-prescribing so we can send your meds to the pharmacy of choice, anywhere in Texas. Making it easy for you to pick it up from your favorite pharmacy.

Not getting the desired results?

Despite taking the proper medications in the prescribed dosages, some patients experience complications or do not respond well. Our providers, Alfredo H. Arellano and Eduardo Mariscal are experienced and know how to change dosage or medications to help you. We also offer other treatments which do not necessarily involve taking daily medication. These include; Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Spravato (Es-Ketamine), and psychotherapy.

Understanding Your Insurance's Coverage

Some insurances offer coverage for medication management. Our team will work closely with your health insurance benefits, manage any necessary pre-authorizations, and ensure you are fully informed about your coverage and costs prior to your appointment.

BlueCross BlueShield logo with the iconic blue cross and blue shield symbols
TRICARE official logo with red stripes, blue stars, and the registered trademark symbol
Cigna official logo with a stylized tree figure representing growth and wellness.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs official logo with the VA monogram and the American eagle emblem
Aetna's official logo in purple with the service mark symbol.
Text 'Self-Pay Options' in blue on a white background.

Schedule an Appointment

Give Us a Call at (915)307-5796 or click the button below and complete the form.